Thursday, November 05, 2015


I'm recalibrating. I am getting used to what happiness feels like. Trying it on. Adjusting the arms a little. My mouth, for example, has permanently turned up edges, so that I appear to be somewhat half-witted. When I close my eyes, the picture I see gives me a warm and cozy glow like the children on the Ready Brek ads.  I can't contain it. I want to climb to the top of a tall building and shout it loudly. I didn't know it could be like this, I keep thinking. And yes, I do want to pinch myself. Birds are suddenly appearing and all that malarkey. Please don't stop. 




LPC said...

All the silly language we thought was pretend suddenly applies.

Z said...

When you're getting on with your day and become aware of your underlying feeling, and it's happy instead of melancholy. Nice, isn't it?

Katherine C. James said...

It makes me happy to read this. xo.

Eric S said...

Shout it loudly, please. ;-)

elle said...

At last! So very happy for you beautiful miss Whistle xx